Whole Again

by shannon   Sep 25, 2005

When I met you welcomed me in with open arms
And told me that you would protect me from any type harm

You said my smile was your ever lasting light
And that my face was the image in your mind every night

You told me to give you a chance, and if I did I would not regret
"Please, just one shot, because you are someone I will never forget

I promise I will do what ever you command
I just want to be able to hold your hand

I will always catch you when you begin to fall
And will always stand next to you proud and tall

Proud that your mine and I would always stay true
I swear I will be perfect, because I love you"

I gave you a shot and I am so happy I did
At the beginning I was scared and my feelings I hid

But now my heart is upon my sleeve
And every night I pray you will not leave

I have not felt this whole in so long
Because before you everything in my life went wrong

I thought never again would I be able to love
Until you were sent down from the heavens above

Together, one year later, there has been so much we have gone through
I thought I would just thank you and tell you I love you

By: Shannon


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  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Hey hey! Great poem, it was really sweet. The flow was fairly well done and had depth and meaning. Some of your lines convayed such a powerful message and fit perfectly. I really liked the lines:

    "I will always catch you when you begin to fall
    And will always stand next to you proud and tall"

    That was the most beautiful line ever. Well done. This is a great write! Keep it up! 5/5 =D

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    A nice poem..well written..good flow..sweet..and cute..keep it up..keep writing!:)

    *plz comment on mine 2!! thankz

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Fallen Angel~

    This poem had a very good flow and was written beautifully. Nice job 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Great poem...I love your tittle because it relates so much to the poem 5/5 well written and all! ^_^ take care