Suicidal girl

by BleedingAngel   Sep 25, 2005

This is a story
about a young girl
she had long golden hair
and her smile lit up the world

She was loved by all she met
she was perfect in any way
she lived a blessed life
but now in her grave she lay

As she grew up
her weakness grew stronger
people saw straight through her
she couldn't hide the pain any longer

Her glowing smile disappeared
her white skin turned red
she was all messed up
the day they found her dead

Her perfect smile had gone away
from every comment they made
she was so depressed
and every day she took out her blade

she cut her skin
and torn the biggest vein
deeper and deeper
but she never felt any pain

For years she was a cutter
she walked in a suicidal dream
no one listened to her
no one heard her scream

The story started out so well
and ended up being sad
the girl took her life
she lost everything that she had

*I have posted this once before, but some one stole it and claimed that it was hers, but I know for a fact that I WROTE THIS, so I posted it again....This is my poem 100 %, I would never steal from others!!!! *

Copyright 2005 - Sabrina Stelmach


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Devon

    I love this poem, I can really relate to it

  • 19 years ago

    by Monique

    Hey there,
    Amazing.. My favourite sranza is.. god i just cant choose but this is my fav...
    Her glowing smile disappeared
    her white skin turned red
    she was all messed up
    the day they found her dead
    beautifully written, with the perfect words.. i have nothing negative to say to this. take care

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    You're right...our poems are sorta similar, i believe that this is your poem! thats one thing i'm worried about...other pplz stealin my poems. oh well!....luv em

  • 19 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Love the poem.. this is ur work i can tell.. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Wow this is really good!!! I can relate, it seems someone is always there and ready to shove you down and nobody wants to help. Stay strong and if you ever need to talk I'm here!!! :-)