Untitled poem

by Green M&M   Sep 25, 2005

As we think of life we think of death,
as we think of drugs we think of meth,
as we think of love we think of hate,
as we know we're early we think we're late,
why do we think,
why do we drown our sorrows in something to drink,
we find the easy ways out of life,
even if it means using a knife,
we have those days that we wish we're done,
sometimes we wish we had a gun,
i think about all the times when you were there,
until it happened you didn't think i would ever dare,
now I'm gone and never coming back,
so don't turn around just keep going on that track.

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  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    LOVED it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess09

    Great poem rhyme and flow is on going!! Use punctuation but besides that its perfect!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Megann Lee


    That poem is WOW! It's...I...No words are coming to my mouth, or brain. That poem is fantastic.