Comments : Prank\'s To Scare EVERYONE At Your School

  • 19 years ago

    by †JustAri†

    "4. Go to school in your pyjamas, with your hair a mess, than when people give you a queer look simply snap "I told Mum I didn't want to get up but nooooo""

    HAHAHAHA!!!! "But nooooo". Reminds me of Monday mornings...hahaha

    "9. In class ask if you can go to the toilet, soak yourself in water than go back into class, make sure to take ages in the bathroom, than when the teachers ask for an explanation, in a really pissed off voice go "I FELL IN OKAY!""

    LMAO. Thanks for the laugh. I'm glad you got bored on msn...haha.


  • 19 years ago

    by Megan

    LOL. that was soo funny. my favorite ones are #7 and #9 AWESOME JOB. LOL

  • 18 years ago

    by AGirlWorthFightingFor

    \"Go to school in your pyjamas, with your hair a mess\"

    I\'m in college now, so this one wouldnt\' really be all that shocking.

    but #10 LOFCUKINGL