
by gasping for air   Sep 26, 2005

Looking down,
At my belly,
Where you're supposed to be growing,
I can't believe it.
I don't feel any different,
I don't feel as if I'm giving you life,
Or that I'm going to be a mother,
How could someone like me be a mother?
But I am,
You're growing inside of me,
In nine months you'll come out,
And I'm scared.

The pain is so intense,
As I push and push,
I'm exhausted and angry,
You don't seem to want to come now.
But finally you do,
And I can't believe what I'm holding,
A child I helped to create,
A child I brought into this world.
I'm not perfect,
I know that,
But all I can do is my best,
Some how we'll manage.

Life with a child isn't easy,
I work day in and day out,
Just to take care of you,
Just to make sure you're okay.
God knows this isn't easy,
But when I look at you,
My little baby,
All of it is worthwhile.
All of the strife,
Mellows into the back of my mind,
And I see your gorgeous face,
The little one that I love with all my heart.

I know that I've made mistakes,
I know that I'm not perfect,
I know that I get angry sometimes,
I know that there's things I need to work on.
But I also know,
That I love you, my baby,
With all of my heart,
And all of my soul.
Having the chance to carry you,
To give birth to you,
To raise you,
To be your mother,
Is a gift, something I cherish,
And I would never change that.
I love you,
My child.


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  • 19 years ago

    by jess

    Wow! amazing poem, it has real strength and love!
    hope you are welL.
    love jess XxXxXxXxX

  • 19 years ago

    by themeuneverseen

    Very beautiful! It was very emotional and from the heart... keep it up!


  • Really beautiful, a lot of powerful emotion.

    xxx cici xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    Beautifully written, so intense and grabbed me from beginning to the end....You should deff handle this in, you wrote it so perfectly, very well done!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Haven

    What a great poem, yes you should hand this is in!!!!!!!!!!

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