Your Not Who I Thought You Were

by Caroline   Sep 26, 2005

I thought for once in my lifetime
That I found someone true
Someone I could tell my secrets and my life story
But sadly, I actually thought it was you

The first time I met you
I knew that we could have been the best of friends
Its been a long time and I still consider you more than a friend
You were like my sister
You were the only one who could relieve my pain
But now every time I look or think of you
I feel so much shame

Not just in you
But mostly in me
Thinking I finally found someone where I can just be me
A year past by you went to the High
Tears swelled up as the reality kicked in
That you would not be here with me anymore
Thinking I commited the sin

I guess it changed you
Into someone I never knew
You have no idea how much you meant me
But hopefully you will know soon

Now I'll just think and wonder everyday
What happened to the person that I loved so much
I even put u beyond my crush
As I look at you and me in that photo frame
Theres nothing I can do but hang my head down
And feel so much shame


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  • 18 years ago

    by Alvaro

    I can understand the words u put in this poem, friends come and go but they all leave a footprint in you, great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by dyingbrokenangel

    Awww i hope ur ok!! u have atlent!! great p;oem xox