The errands ran themselves today,
in little mud swirls that floated
on top of the oily puddles left
in footprints made by the doom-
Parading in and out of conscious-
ness my mind went out for ice
and water, mabe a cup of tears;
It wasn\'t a facsinating thought that
kept me here, nor was it the
devastation that I mulled in-
It was something else, like
leftovers after dinner, appreciating
the mundane, the so-called
thick soup that is the result of
hard work and usually tastes
better the next time around;
The morning sky knelt soflty
across the horizon that once
held the most beautiful sunsets
ever-I can smell gasoline rising
out from the ashes, and this
warns me to wake up-
I stand alone, outside a shell that
ruined many worlds and conquer-
ed many fears here, and there-
Then, time has no enemies, and
neither does whenever-
The end
D.E.M.-05---Anonymous letter found in SunCity-Safezone 3-next
to a security 5-by-5 locket-(unused)