Rock on baby
Keep going
Don't stop
You promised me you'd never stop
So why did you baby?
Why is the piano left untouched?
Why are the guitar strings left clogged with dust?
Why is the drum tired and lonely?
Why is my heart left empty?
Tell me it's just fiction
Say it's not as it seems
Say I'm going to wake up
And this is all just a bad dream
Just a sick joke
Say it's just a lie
Whatever you chose to tell me
Please say you didn't die
Rock on baby
Keep going
Don't stop
Strum my heart
And touch me one more time
Rock on baby
After everything we've been through
I know you're here for me
Rock on baby
Cause I'll always remember you
Do the thing that you love most
I will never forget you
Just cause you're a ghost
Rock on baby
Rock on...