
by Whispering*Willow(Mercedes)   Sep 27, 2005

Scarred forever by Satan,
His Hell burned into my being,
While the world bled her soul,
All robbed and forsaken.

Emptiness dripped over my eyes,
Rubbed away with bloody hands,
Tongueless and deaf,
No one heard the screaming cries.

The devil bit me,
Stole my dreams,
Now a living corpse in the dark,
Who can't accept who she must be.

I am human no longer,
My heart doesn't beat to the thunder,
I crave the blood of mortals,
So thirsty. So alone.

He erased memories from my past,
The present-killed of any noble opportunities,
No tomorrow with the Sun,
With nothing to hold onto,

I am lost forever.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Whispering*Willow(Mercedes)

    Thank you so much Beverley! I ADORE your work!
    xoxxo Mercy

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Demonica

    Exceptionally gothic-esque
    So beautifully written.
    Adore it and so creative.
    I can feel the emotion behind it
    Love... ADORE your work
    xox- Bev

  • 19 years ago

    by Whispering*Willow(Mercedes)

    Thank you for your comment though I'm not that sure it was better than yours. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Interesting vampire poem. Well done and much better compared to my own. The diction was great.
    ~The Unforgiven

  • 19 years ago

    by Whispering*Willow(Mercedes)

    Thank you Hope. I will read some of your poetry. :) Cheers Mercedes

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