My Friend

by Anna   Sep 28, 2005

*Sorry this is sooo long, I haven't written a poem in a long time. This is for my best friend Jennifer...I love you girl!*

Who is my friend?
My friend I would cry for
My friend I would lie for
My friend I would die for

My friend that keeps me strong
when the days are too long
My friend that is on my mind
whenever no one else seems kind

My friend that I would cry for
If something ever happened
My friend that I would die for
No matter how painful

My friend that I can talk to
no matter what time
My friend that I can walk with
in my heart and mind

My friend that I love with all my heart
she doesn't even know how much
My friend that is never tart
with her words

My friend that is my angel
here in this evil world
My friend if she ever died
I would die too

My friend she is so sweet
with her words when she wants to be
My friend I want to keep
forever no matter what

My friend that I think about all the time
wondering if she's ok
My friend, if her life is on the line
I will try my best to save it

My friend I'm not sure she ever thinks about me
but she is busy
My friend I hope will always see
that she is my best friend

My friend
I think I know who she is
SHe is everything to me
The sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful, most gracious, most understanding, most peaceful, strongest, and enduring
Angel, treasure, and blessing
I have ever met
and her name is Jennifer


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  • 19 years ago

    by iDeePanda

    Sorry to take so long to return tha favor, but finally, i did! jennifer soundz like a great friend to have, and it takes time and effort to write a poem for someone u care about. u put your heart in this one...i can tell

  • 19 years ago


    Really lovely poem anna. ur friend must b really nice as u!!!!!!!!
    she is lucky 2 hav a frend like u who writes poem on her.
    i give a 5
    great job dear!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Damn...this is awesome...she sure is a great friend...send my regards 2 her...U r a good friend poem just made me cry 2...that's weird...why is that?

  • 19 years ago

    by Eyes_Of_Rain

    Very lovely words, your friend must be a really special person, indeed. Keep up the great work.

    Also, thanks for your comment on my poem 'My best friend', it was sweet and means a lot.
