Comments : My Friend

  • 19 years ago

    by Eyes_Of_Rain

    Very lovely words, your friend must be a really special person, indeed. Keep up the great work.

    Also, thanks for your comment on my poem 'My best friend', it was sweet and means a lot.


  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Damn...this is awesome...she sure is a great friend...send my regards 2 her...U r a good friend poem just made me cry 2...that's weird...why is that?

  • 19 years ago


    Really lovely poem anna. ur friend must b really nice as u!!!!!!!!
    she is lucky 2 hav a frend like u who writes poem on her.
    i give a 5
    great job dear!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by iDeePanda

    Sorry to take so long to return tha favor, but finally, i did! jennifer soundz like a great friend to have, and it takes time and effort to write a poem for someone u care about. u put your heart in this one...i can tell