Changed my world

by krysten   Sep 28, 2005

You changed my world
You flipped it upside down
You looked me in the eyes
Loved me for who i was

I cant explain how i feel
I cant explain
But i know its real

Every night i think
About you
And how much i want to hold you
In my arms

Every creeping weekend
That goes by
I cant take it anymore

The seconds seem like hours
The hours seem like eternity
And eternity seems like never

I just think about you
Every time I\'m sad
You seem to lift my spirits
Even when I\'m mad

I cant think straight
I cant see straight sometimes
You cloud my vision
But i don\'t mind

Ill never hurt you
No matter what you do
Ill never hurt you
Even if you have to leave
Ill never hurt you
I need you to know

I love you with every ounce of me
I hope you know


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cheyanne

    I hella like this poem! lol, 5/5 Wow, I can relate to this poem. It's how I feel about this girl I'm in love with...but can't be with as much as I like. Yeah, it's my ex on another note, Thanks for the advise on the Love and Romance discussion post thing of mine. I plan to follow that. Thanks again. Take care, hope you and your girlfriend will have good times together.

  • 18 years ago

    by krysten

    Thanks brit umm I hope you realize that this is about a girl that im dating but it can fit into your own situation with this guy thanks for your comment.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brit

    I Love your poem, it fits with what I'm going through, I'm trying to go through it on my own and it's getting hard cuz he's with someone else but that's a great poem! Keep on writing!!-5