I will always love you

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Sep 28, 2005

My heart is broken into so many pieces
The tears develop and the pain increases

I SHOULD have stayed I SHOULD have talked
But instead i bit my tongue, turned and walked

Maybe if i stayed we could've talked about this
I know you hurt me but there's some things that i miss

I miss everything that you did to make me smile
I miss everything that i haven't even did in a while

I even miss our arguments, yeah its true
I don't miss the fights, but god, i freaking miss you

I miss the good times, ALL OF THEM, there were so many
So many good memories, there were plenty

And i know that this sounds weird coming from me
I act tough but this is what i wished it to be

Alls i want is to feel your touch once again
Just one more night to make a good end

Remember at 2 am when we were listening to the drunks next door
We slow danced on the road, then hung out with them some more

I miss all of it, every single MOMENT with you
But you tell me i forgot about all the things we use to do

No i didn't, i promise you, I remember it like it was just yesterday
But I'll tell you this way...

Remember when i was sad and you'd sing a power ballad to me
You sang that and rock because i love it so deeply

I remember the little things too
Every little thing that you could possibly do

The little poems and songs that you would write
Falling asleep with you on my porch all night

I remember the four wheeling, the walks, and the time with just me and you
I remember the parties, the family things and that whole crew

You tell me you miss me but is it a lie
I kinda think it's the truth because you started to cry

But whether or not i want to be your friend
Whether or not the past will ever come to an end

I want you to know i miss everything that you do
And till forever, i will always love you


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