Dying from Heartbreak

by foreverhappy   Sep 29, 2005

She's sitting in the corner
Her heart is broken
Tears falling fast
No words to be spoken

He was her world
She was so young
Nobody believed her
But she knew it was love

How was she to go on
Without him by her side
Who was going to be there
When she needed somewhere to hide

Who was going to be there
To wipe away the tears
And how was she to forget
About the past three years

Who was she to call
When everything went wrong
Who would stay up late with her
Singing their favorite songs

Who was going to chase away her fears
And kiss away the pain
Who was going to let her rant and rave
When she was going insane

Who was she suppose to think about
And dream about at night
Who was she to hold onto
And make everything right

Who was she suppose to love
And who would love her
She wondered to herself
As her heart slowly tore

The answer became clear
No one could take his place
He had something of hers
That no one could replace

She lay on her bed
Making the decision
She could never love anyone
The way she loved him

She got out some paper
To tell him how she was feeling
And she knew in her heart
There was no other way of dealing

She wrinkled the note
With heartbroken tears
Writing of happy memories
From the past years

She told him she'd always love him
No matter how hard she tried
But wasn't his fault
That she had died

She just wasn't strong enough
To not have him there
He was the only one
That ever did care

She signed the note
"I'll always love you
No matter where you are
No matter what you do"

She wanted to talk to him;
Hear his voice one last time
She picked up her phone
And dialed the number one last time

He picked up the phone
She said hello
They talked a little
She said she had to go

She was crying again
And she said one last time
I'll always love you
i wish you were still mine

She hung up the phone
Without hearing what he had to say
Crying and unstable now
In her bed she lay

Alone in the house
She couldn't be stopped
Just one bullet
And her pain would be forgot

Her phone was ringing
As she picked up the gun
The machine picked up
And with one shot her life was done

"I still love you
Please don't be mad at me
I'm so sorry
I wasn't thinking clearly
I want to be with you forever
I'll do whatever it takes
Please call me back
This is all a mistake"

Her motionless body
Lay there on her bed
Dead from heartache
Not the bullet in her head

He waited by the phone
And house went by
When he called her back
All he could do was cry

Her mother told him
What she had done
And how the heartache killed her
More than the gun

He was heartbroken
He was to blame
How was he to go on
Living life the same

If he had called sooner
Would she still be alive
If she heard the message
Would she have wanted to survive

He swore that he would never love again
And he'd always say how he was feeling
As much as it hurt
It was his way of dealing

He visited her stone
Almost every day
He felt so responsible
There was no other way

As he got older
He never fell in love
He knew his love was waiting
In the heavens above

He died alone
Tears falling fast
No words to be spoken

***I don't really like this one, especially at the end...any suggestions??***


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  • 19 years ago

    by Maria

    I really like this poem. it is like the story of my friend Desire'. Even tho i dont know how but he boyfriend of three years has moved on. some people say its his way of dealing with what happen. but i dont know. he blames himself and i wish he didnt but he's moved on already and its only been almost not even two months. this poem has touched me so much cause now i know what Desire' was feeling before she took her life. but she didnt do it with a gun... she hung herself. and it really hurts but now i understand more. i would give anything to have her back. but i guess god was calling her and she had to go. but i really like this poem. keep up the good work. your poems are really good.
