Him **suicidal boy friend**

by ~*beautiful*~||||d!$a$teR||||   Sep 29, 2005

You were nothing more
and nothing less
you made me feel
my very best

everything was fine
until things got dramatic
i loved you so much
until you became problematic

you had ambition
i could see it in your eyes
little did i no,
it was the disire to die

confidence and style
you had such a grace
but i could see right thru
to the pain in your face

Putting me under all this stress
Kepping me home from parties
Away from my friends

Saying you want to die
Tell me I dont care
After all the tears that Ive cryed

Constantly worried
Day and night
Hoping every second
Wouldnt be the one in which you die

i saw a secret coming
from the start
but i never would have guessed
it was those scars on your heart...

i loved him, i really did, and i stil do...

**vote and coment please, tell me if u want it longer**

**check out my other poems**


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  • 19 years ago

    by Spitfire

    Thats just sad!!!
    great job
    im frozen
    i give u a 5/5
    great job

  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    Awesome poem. filled with so much emo-tion. you oughtta make it into a full poem id love to read the rest.

    -bReAk Me, TaKe Me, LoSe Me, KiLl mE...oOoPs I'm AlReAdY dEaD-

  • 19 years ago

    by anna

    Good job like it lot