
by dyingbrokenangel   Sep 30, 2005

Daddy you just tore me apart,
for the very last time,
you hit me with those powerful words,
shattered my heart away,
you told me you never loved me,
never wanted me anyway,
a mistake you were,
is what you yelled,
why do you think we got rid of you,
dad what did i ever do,
to make you hate me from the start,
i see all these daughters with there daddy's,
here them saying i love you,
tears start rolling from my eyes,
wishing you had loved me,
i look at photos of you,
holding me when i was young,
daddy i want to rip them up,
you looked as if you were paid,
to be there,
you hold me with a beer in your hand,
looking away from the camera,
daddy I'm hurting every single day,
knowing you never cared,
all i ever wanted,
was you as a dad,
all i ever wanted was for you to explain,
my brother was born,
there was so much excitement,
you left me alone,
with no one there,
dad i cant sleep at night,
it brings back bad memories,
dad i have no friends anymore,
cause you brought me up with aggression,
dad, I'm to scared to love,
any sweet caring guy,
because i am scared i will get hurt,
and left all alone,
I'm scared they will be like you,
and always out me down,
because of you,
I'm self conscious, don't have a high self esteem,
because of you I'm always crying,
and there are those painful cuts,
dad why didn't you ever love me,
the way you should have?

- everyone this poem means so much to me if you could please comment, it was the hardest thing i have ever written. please -


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  • 18 years ago

    by luvlydisaster

    Im sorry you had to go through that.. my relationship with my dad is not what you calling loving either.. im not on speaking terms with forced to talk to him. as u can tell my dad broke my heart too.. but there is really nothing they can take back to make everything okay and when they relize they messed up its to late.. and thats what hurts me the most..

  • 18 years ago


    That is s00 sad! im s0 s0rry that happend t0 y0u !! thats n0t fair at all!
    take care l0ve always

  • 18 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Ohhhh i know how u feel my dad walked out on me an my family wen i waz 5. i know how u feel. then my mum walked out 2. i hope it all works out 4 u an u dnt end up on the streets defendin urself like i did until sum1 came 2 my rescue

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Aww that brought tears to my eyes:'(...
    that's so sad and i'm so sorry. I like other ppl here^^ wish i could take this pain away but all i can do is beg you to be strong and be happy...
    luv u!! xoxox

  • 19 years ago

    by XnotaprettygirlX

    Aww bubba im sorry your dad has broken you apart so much..i really wish there was something i could do..but i sorry really i ya hunni

    great poem