Ghost of You

by Avellana   Sep 30, 2005

Why is it that I love you?
Even though you make me sad
You push me close to breaking
Thinking bout what we could have had

I see you and I smile
But I push the thought away
Because I want what I cannot have
It's always been this way

Somehow deep inside of me
You've stuck and just won't leave
Why is it that I want you?
When all you do is cause me grief

Is that why I'm so drawn to you
Cos you hurt me so much more
Pain is what I'm used too
It was what I had lived for

How many times, have I been here?
Why can't I just get over you?
You break me up inside. I'm left
Wondering what the hell to do

Do I go down this path again?
Or do I give up and let it lie
Have you even noticed that when I look at you?
I die a little more each time

So until the day that I decide
That's just this side of never
I'll listen to your voice and pray
These feelings won't last forever

Love someone i've loved before and for some abscure reason, cant seem to completly get over him. comments and votes will be appreciated and returned. THANKS!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cimara

    Why on earth was this poem only rated at one? its awesome!! i really love the way you write're gifted!! xox

  • 19 years ago

    by Rusted x Heart

    Very nicely written, the rythm and flow was very clear and easy to read and was worded very well. i particularly liked the last two stanzas. Very well written.

  • 19 years ago

    by Brooke

    Wow that is a good poem for sure, but yeah thanks for the comment on my poem. i have to say i am very lucky to have what i do with my bf, but you write well.


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