What happen

by tasha   Sep 30, 2005

This cant be true

your gone some where new

some where evil

I've got 2 get through

its so hard 4 me and you

we have 2 end our lives this way

i have 2 do what i have 2 do

cutting myself

killing myself

making me bleed

dripping from my arm

sliding the blade through my throat

let the blood drip

not knowing where i am

everything turning white

and suddenly black

trying 2 get up

being pulled up

don't want 2 be pulled up

waiting 2 die

waiting 4 my life 2 end

i don't want 2 be alive

i want 2 die

die with my razor against my throat

drip drip dripping blood

from my wrist

not caring what will happen 2 me

i care what will happen 2 you

i love you

your my best friend

and always will be

time and time again you was always there 4 me

well now its my turn 2 be there 4 you

i planned 2 kill myself

i still plan on doing so

but rite now i plan on supporting you

i hate what has happen 2 you

why would she do this 2 you

why would she hurt you like this

plz don't do this 2 yourself

you can come stay with me

i care so much about you

you don't have to do this

you have one person that loves you

thats rite here waiting

it don't matter if your mom hates you

i don't

because i love you

you should know that

i hate what i cant do 4 you

i want 2 save you

i try 2 save myself

but everything ends up wrong

i end up trying 2 kill myself

starting 2 cut myself

thats what i want 2 do to my self rite now

i have 2 be strong 4 you

but i cant

because I've gone crazy

even more than b4
this 4 my best friend who just went 2 a mental home 2day and it made me even crazier that i don't know what 2 do.......plz give me some advice 2 help me and 2 help my friend when she gets back


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  • Nice poem, well written, full of emotion.
    I feel sorry for you and i hope you feel better.
    I'm no good at giving advice though !! But i'll listen if you wanna talk !!

    xxx cici xxx