Comments : This Love

  • 19 years ago

    by BK Butterfly

    I like this poem very much, it's very good, you got how much confusing love can be!! but no worries, with time, it will get sometimes better, sometimes worse...but we still can't keep from falling in love : P
    keep up the good work hon.!

  • 18 years ago

    by Meggie33

    WOW!! that was an awesome poem...u have commented on one of my poems b4.. so i checked out ur poems and u told that my poem reminded you of yourself, and when i read this poem it really reminded me of my story too! i liked this guy for like... FOREVER! and i really love your poems!! haha well not LOVE b/c thats weird haha but they are really good and i can't wait to read more of em! luv ya shtuff**
    - Megan Marie**

  • 18 years ago

    by AmorousObsession

    What a great poem i know what your saying keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Erica Jovie©

    Hey i really liked your poem- you're a very good writer--no constructive chritisism nessesary-- sorry i suck at spelling lol. Hey if you have time could you check out my poem "down on my knees" or "miracle smile" thanx and God bless