by brittany   Oct 1, 2005

*i dont know if this poem makes much since but i just started writing and this is what i ended up with*

I dont know what to do any more
I seem to have lost
Control of my thoughts
My world seems
To be spinning out of control
So much to do not enough time in the world
To do it all. My mind
Seems to now have a mind of its own
I try and try to get back in
Control but just as I get there
Something happens
And imI'most again
I seem to be lost in
World with know
Why out.


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  • 18 years ago

    by xxmichaelxx

    Lol well it was my 1st time to write a poem like that.

  • 18 years ago

    by DAYLON

    Hello where are you hun?

  • 18 years ago

    by DAYLON

    Hi Brittany.. It been a long time since I have a chance to read your work. I notice a few spelling and grammatical errors. This coming from a dyslexic (hehe) Like at the end you got why out instead of way out for one. There few words which was written with passion, you need to take look again as if you were the editor of a major paper and see what you can do correct few mistakes. Don't lose the passion and go with the flow though. Best work I done was when I was pist (or drunk) Keep it up good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by DAYLON

    This poem made a lot of sense to me, I hope you keep asking questions. As it helps you to write stronger material.
    Take care

  • 19 years ago

    by chyenne

    I liked this one its really good even tho u may not think its a poem and it may not be its still comin from the heart and thats what counts and its awsome
    keep it up

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