
by Amanda   Nov 30, 2003

To know you will be alone forever
Gives you no reason to live
No reason to get up in the morning
To have someone love you unconditionally
Is a wish never to be fulfilled
Amanda-Worthy of love
I am obviously not
The love and touch from a man
so wanted, so craved, so denied
There is someone out there for everyone, with one exception
To grow old and be alone
With noone there to be my comforter,to take my heart and soul
I guess that is my reason to live
My reason to get up in the mornings


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  • 21 years ago

    by ~*ErYkUh*~

    5 Again!!!!

    most of my poems relate to the same thing....its funny how 99% of men are liars and cheaters....and i still believe that i will one day find the guy who fits in that 1% lol. erika