I don\'t know any more

by Ariana   Oct 1, 2005

I feel so lonley.
every one has left me.
I have nobody!!
I have turned into a stone.
No one like\'s me nor wishes to get to know me because of my past. A past that I can\'t put behind. A past that I tried to kill my self. I wanted to stay in my room in the dark for ever and never come out. A part of me want\'s to die another part of me say\'s no you dont . You are only saying that right know cause you feel alone. I dont know what to do anymore. I\'m losing my grip in life. my cell phone dose not ring my house phone does not ring. the only time it rings is because some one needs an favor from me.
No one can see the pain i\'m in..
I wounder what is going to happen to me???????

i know this poem is not that great but it would help if u guys can comment on it.. thank you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    I hope one day i could get over the pain that was left in my heart... what sucks more is that i don't belive in friendship any more

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    Hey thanxs...

  • 19 years ago

    by xfallenXapart

    Nice poem! you really let out your feelings.. i'm here for you to talk to, dont worry.. my phones don't really ring either, but i know how you feel.