Inside I'm screaming I love you

by Heidi   Oct 1, 2005

"Inside I'm screaming I love you,"
Is how I feel about you.
I'm afraid to tell you I love you,
Because you won't believe it's true.

I'd never think you'd like me back,
But I guess "we never know."
I've fallen in love with you,
But I just can't take it anymore.

I want to tell you I love you,
To just scream out your name.
To tell you to come to me,
But instead I hold my head in shame.

I can't gain enough courage,
To tell you how I feel.
Your slowly slipping away,
And this pain just won't heal.

Do you love me too?
Or am I only in a dream?
Would you hold me tightly?
And never yell or scream?

Do you think about me often,
The way that I think about you?
Would you keep me safe,
The way that I think I could too?

Do you wish you had me?
Holding me oh-so-tight.
Or am I only wishing,
Through the darkness of this night?

"Inside I'm screaming I love you,"
Is how I feel about you.
YOU'RE afraid to tell me you love me,
Because I won't believe it's true.

By: Heidi
Aug. 12 2005


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  • 18 years ago

    by A Christoffer

    Very strong poem! i liked a a lot! the movement from stanza to stanza flowed perfectly and the story was perfect! keep up the good writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Awww dis peom was so gwd love dia mwaz xoxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful is all i can say. ;D 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by sandy

    Lmao dude you are so good at des poemz!!! lmao sorry i found nicole's comment funny=P I bet i know who this poem is to=O I wont say chris' name lol
    keep up the awesome writing=D

  • 19 years ago

    by JLT

    Great poem!!!! Hehe it's awesome! I know how you feel.. I can really relate to this poem. It's wonderful babe. Keep up the good work *hugs*
