Silent Night...

by SplitSided   Oct 2, 2005

This is a fraction of how my childhood was..lately I've been having flashbacks so I figured I could deal with it through my work.

Can you picture living your life in fear of death.
Not being able to rest.
Worrying about getting beat.
And that there causes you not to get any sleep.
I was THREE years old.
I felt like my soul was already sold.
A death that I would face someday.
I didn't know when and didn't know what to say.
I ran to my mommy for protection.
She was too drunk and all she did was neglect me.
It was only 8 o clock she didn't start drinking for two more hours.
Her boyfriend hit me once so the three year old boy already cowers.

How could you do that to me?
I was only three.
You tell me it's not your fault.
But then everything in that time frame comes to a halt.
The three year old boy looks me dead in the eye.
He stands there in tears, I know he wishes he could die.
The silence was his only friend.
But at night he thought he would see his end.
Nothing worse then a drunk kicking your teeth in.
I saw the light then, but it was dim.
Dreams bring me back to that time frame.
And no matter what I think, it feels just the same.
The three year old boy is locked in his room.
Waiting his doom.
A drunk threatens to break the door down.
The boy opens the door and takes the hit without a sound.
He falls to the floor.
All because he locked his door.
It's 11 at night.
And his mom and her boyfriend start to fight.
His mom drops to the floor.
And he watches but starts to close the door.
But her boyfriend wants more.
The first thing that comes to mind is the boy in the doorway.
With nothing to say.
It doesn't matter, the boy never does anything right.
He starts to hit the boy and that's the end of his silent night...


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*Awww sweetie that is so0o0o sad am i'm so srry,i can kinda relate my mom was a drunk when i was lil...well still is...shes never around but when i was little and she was she would hit me i kno how you feel and im so srry but that was really great work i love all ur work its so deeo and powerful well keep up the great work*~ XoXo