I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings
I never knew that my poem could have that much meaning
Believe me, every word in that poem is true
Except about the parts that I could never love you
Or the shame that you brought onto me
Our memories are the only things that make me gleam
It's not your fault that we got into a fight
Everyone has their days
It was just yours that night
And no, I could never hate you
I'll always be by your side
No matter what you do
As I said before
You're my best friend
There's no way this friendship can end
I'll never put on a fake smile
Just to show you I'm alright
A smile is what you bring onto me
Every time I see you in sight
I wanted to stop writing poems
Seeing how much the last one hurt you
Honest to god I had no clue
But you told me to keep doing what I do best
Even if I made you upset in the process
I guess I'll do what you told me to
"No! Keep writing, I love what you do!"
So this poem I have just written
Is just for you...