Night of total bliss

by samara   Oct 4, 2005

In your arms
being held by you
looking into your eyes,
until the break of dawn
. . . . a night of total bliss

with you my troubles are no more
memories begin to fade and all i have is now
feeling start flowing all over again
. . . . a night of total bliss

i asked if you were OK
you replied, "not without you I'm not"
music to my ears
fluttering of my heart
butterflies in my stomach
. . . . a night of total bliss

whispers in my ear
kisses on my forehead
gentle caress on my arm
and as he pushes the hair out of my face, he lays a gentle kiss upon my lips
. . . . a night of total bliss

deep looks upon my eyes
long talks about u and i
holding hands
being by your side once again
. . . . a night of total bliss

content looks upon your face
sweet smiles returned back and forth
all lies once told, now are told for the truth
. . . . a night of total bliss

us together once again in perfect harmony
sweet thoughts of what could be once again
. . . . a night of total bliss

you pull me to your side
put your arm around my shoulders
a perfect fit
looking up into the sky at the stars, completely content
. . . . a night of total bliss

wishes for this night never to end
hoping he will never leave me once again
knowing he is still in love but yet just scared to show it
. . . . a night of total bliss

being with you once again
in your arms , being able to look up, into your eyes
talking to the actual you, not the phony one i grew to know o so well
but talking to the real you, the one i fell in love with in the beginning
. . . . . a night of total bliss . . . . .


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  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha klukas

    This poem is really good i really like it....want to know something u wrote this poem on my b-day and this is exactly what happend to me the night of ma b-day...really good dont stop writing

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