Never had the chance

by Miss Darcy![xXkestrelXx]   Oct 4, 2005

I never got to say goodbye,
I never told you I was sorry,
I never confessed my feelings for you,
I never got to say, 'I love you'

There were always chances to say these things,
I was just too foolish, I was blind, unguided,
If I had just gone back in time, I'd have the chance,
But now is now, then was then.

The endless things I should have done,
Are trapped inside me, waiting to be released,
I'm bursting like a bag too full of things,
Because I was selfish, I took but never gave.

You were like my teddy bear,
I love you so much but you never knew,
Nothing would destroy my love for you,
Not even if death came and took me too.

I try not to cry when I think of you,
But it's like trying to stop a hurricane,
I think of you all the time,
It is as natural as breathing for me.

I want my soul to be released from this life,
I want to join you and hold you close,
I want to feel happiness again,
I want to remember that strange sensation.

I want to tell you how I feel,
I want to see your ice-melting smile,
I want to hear your sweet laughter,
Which makes me so full of love.

I am tossed upon stormy seas,
I'm crashing against rocks but I don't care,
I'm bleeding, I'm dying, but I don't mind,
All I want to do is see you.

I call to the heavens just to hear your voice,
I see you in my eyes, but it's all illusions,
I run away and cry forever,
Cry until I meet you once more.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Awwwh, I loved this.
    I thought it was very sad, yet beautifully written.
    I liked the last stanza most, I thought it had great impact.
    I enjoyed the imagery and wording muchly.
    You did a great job on this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lucy Lewin

    This is my favorite poem. It has great meaning.. and I can relate to it. You're a very good writer. keep it up. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by redxiii

    Great awesome poem i love it its a little long for me lol but its really good so keep it up peace

  • 19 years ago

    by Michael Mantione

    Great poem,simply awsome keep it up!

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