I wonder what everyone sees
What do they think
What goes through their heads as I walk by
Why does their reaction seem to be:
"she's tiny" or "look at her figure"
I wonder if these people wish they were me
I don't understand why they would
Because when I look in the mirror I don't see,
I don't see what they see
I don't look the way they say
I am fat and ugly
My thighs are huge
An my face full of imperfection
My arms covered in scars
Oh, why do people stare?
I'm so sick of looks of discust
And sighs of dissaproval
I know I've made mistakes
But I'm trying to move on
Yet you look at me in that way
And I fall straight back down
I know I'm not the girl I am supposed to be
Or the girl you expect me to be
But I'm just trying to be me
Just trying to live my life
I'm just trying to get by
And I don't want to know what you think