Reaching Serenity

by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи   Oct 4, 2005

Staring into the mirror
With a smiling face
The one that's looking back at her
Only shows disgrace
A girl that is exhausted
From reaching for perfection
How is it that so much dirt
Still covers her reflection?
Outside so confident
Is the one you see
Yet puzzled at her inner self
She doesn't feel complete
Reaching for the glass
A tear rolls down her cheek
The smiling face that was there
Suddenly looks weak
Stepping out to hold her hand
And wipe away her tears
Stands the image of herself
Yet wiser from her years
Understanding this is a dream
The girl doesn't back away
But curiously listens
To what her reflection has to say
"appreciate yourself,
And all you have achieved
When you think you aren't good enough
Trust me you're deceived
Because no one's ever perfect
You'll never reach that high
But if you grasp contentment
You just might touch the sky
Let others love you and love yourself
You're beautiful and smart
It's not as easy as it sounds
But this is where you start."
Waking up from the dream
She ponders on this thought
Everything wonderful that she is
And everything she's not
A feeling of relief
Tells her it's ok
She walks over to the mirror
and gets ready for the day
The face now staring back
Wears less make up then before
Knows that she's not perfect
But with a real smile, walks out the door.


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Very inspiring and well written...5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Woah intense I loved it

  • 18 years ago

    by MorbidCupcake

    Wow this poem has lots of true words we should all live by! Great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Vane

    OmG!.!.! i feel like the girl in this poem ...and reading this poem has helped me a gfreat deal!!! THanx a lot...if u can read some of my poems

  • 18 years ago

    by eveofcoleman

    This is amazing....i love the very last lines because it goes so well witht eh rest of the poem and jsut in whoel a really good story kept me reading all the way through and was very interesting...

    um in only have three or four of mine up...but um if ya get a chance can u comment them?