For you

by Silouette Dreams   Oct 4, 2005

Thanks for being nothing
That's what she talks
Not knowing my razor will soon
Be on my skin taking a walk

Cuz pressing on me hurts
And no one knows or cares
I hide cuz there's no sense
In telling my heart bare

So I'm gonna cut tonight
As a smile crawls past my face
I know I'll cry all night
And look like a disgrace

I feel like giving up
My life has gotten fowl
because why live to die
I wanna throw in the towel

Tomorrow I'll be hiding
In the bathroom breaking down
No one will be able
To take away my frown

I lie to everyone
I'm great I'm fine I'm ok
When really inside
I don't know if I'll last a day

I wish I could just sigh
And everything would go away
But every-time I try
My life gets more astray

I'll go to sleep
Hoping I won't wake
Wishing this might be
The last breath that I take


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  • 19 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    This was so sad hope that you are okay great writing take care 5/5