This morning I smiled

by ..eliSa*   Oct 5, 2005

This morning, I smiled.
I'm not going to let that change.
No matter what is said,
Nothings going to put me down today.

You can try to depress me,
But my smiles here to stay.
Doesn't matter how hard you try,
Regardless of anything you say.

Today is a new begining
I will stand tall and strong.
I have a positive feeling inside.
Nothing can possably go wrong.

My head is heald high,
I can see for miles.
Nothing will tare me down today.
Because this morning, I smiled.


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  • 18 years ago

    by eric

    5/5 great job

  • 19 years ago

    by broken hearted me

    Wow i really liked this was beautiful!!!! keep up the good work...and thanx for commenting on my poems...i will continue to do the same for you!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by writing;onthewalls


  • 19 years ago

    by Carrie

    Hey Elisa,
    Yeah I remember you! We had good times then. I just got annoyed of people stealing my sh!t and every now and then I post some poems. But not really. I think I'm gonna delete them since no one ever comments on them or votes. I might pop in sometime and chat sometime soon. Much love sweets!!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Strange Angel

    This poems so inspiring!!! i love it! *happy smiles*