
by trubbled   Oct 6, 2005

Everyday you wake up, wishing that you were someone else,
Shadows follow behind your haunted figure, screaming unbearable sounds in your head,
Tortured into disbelief, desperately and violently trying to fight away the voices
Only to discover whats inside your head is all just a war against your inner self

The body grows weary and tired; wrestling with your self takes its toll,
Thoughts of cutting away the problem, tearing it from your heart,
Flash through your head, day in and day out.
Until thoughts become reality and you cant control your own mind

You rip into your heart and soul and dig deep down underneath the skin
Bleeding from the eyes, the heart, and the finger tips,
You sit warming in a pool of your own fears failures and desires
Letting the short amount of relief roll over your body and creep into the cracks

But deep down you know that those shadows are attached to that relief
Now inside of you shame and guilt dance freely through your body and heart
Weighing you down pulling, thrashing, winning,
Tearing you to shreds and leaving you to blow away in the wind........unnoticed.


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  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Strong expression in this peice and such a range of feelings. it is very pwerfully written with a good flow.. not sure what else i can say..

    great peice


  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    This poem is hard to talk about. I feel things from it, it has emotions, pain worry, fear. They are strongly written into this poem. I was touched by it.


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