Comments : Porcelain Doll (version 1)

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Okay now im serious freaked out by my doll:P cause it does that >.< and its so true... it just sits there i have its back truned to me cause it freaks me out but it was a gift from my gran so I have to have it out=S so yeh your poem is the prefect way to show the freakie ness of those dolls and its almost a way to express how we feel in day to day life ,..... wow okay im weird....dont mind me great work darlin

    Jenn x0x0x

  • 18 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Lol bout the doll thing.
    but now i dont think i can look at mine anymore! this poem is kinda freaky but its still awesome (even if it means im minus sum porcelin dolls!) xox

  • 18 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I have a lot, they sort of freak me out... i used to get one every birthday... :) good job!
