The Truth - a little long sorry

by Elissa   Oct 7, 2005

Look into my eyes
And tell me what you see
You'll see the truth
The real me

Look past the fake smiles
And all the lies
Look at what’s really there
And you will wonder why

Let me give you a tour
But it may be a little long
Don’t be frightened
Even if it all seems wrong

I suggest you bring a coat
Because it might get a little cold
I don't really have feelings anymore
But that’s another story to be told

For now lets start here
Lets see what we find
Look right over there
And you will see my mind

You wouldn't understand
What’s all in there
You could try
But I wouldn't dare

There’s so many demented thoughts
That are a little insane
It's always dark in there
And it always rains

The voices will call to you
They'll tell you things to do
But don't listen to them
Cuz they will try to hurt you

Oh and somewhere in here
There's a demon lurking around
He's what keeps me trapped
Till death I am bound

So try and be quiet
So he doesn't know you’re here
Because he would show you things
That would become your greatest fear

I'll show you where my heart was now
You see that empty space over there
I use to miss having it
Now I don't really care

When it went missing
I have never really known
But I’m better off without it
Like I’m better off alone

It was always in the way
Causing me to feel sad
I really hated that feeling
It would always make me mad

Now it's just easier
I don't have to worry about pain
And since then I think I've become
A little more sane

Now happy thoughts
Are what’s always in my head
Nothings wrong with me
And that’s enough said

Well actually to tell the truth
I can't lie
I'm hardly ever happy
And every night I cry

But they think I'm alright
And that's all that matters
Cuz they will never realize
That slowly my life shatters

I'm all alone
With no one by my side
I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere
And I can't find a place to hide

Now back to the tour
We've talked about that for to long
And I’m afraid if I go on
More will go wrong

I think I’ve showed everything
There’s nothing left I can see
But if I find more
I'll show you, I guarantee

-please rate and comment, I know its not that good-


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  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    I think its absolutely beautiful. Loved the flow and the wording. Deserves nothing but a 5/5 for sure.

    With love,

    *> : PainOfOne - blaine