I hate you, But I love you.

by Miss Ashley   Oct 7, 2005

I hate you, but I love you,
My heart is split in two
Why would you do this to me?
All the love I had, I gave it to you.
I have fallen, and now I struggle everyday.
Why the hell would you go and throw my heart away?
Do you realize all the nights I lay awake?
Remembering all the times we had?
My God, Why do I always have to feel this damn sad?
I'm tired of wiping these frigging tears away.
Always lying to my friends, pretending every things okay.
I scare myself, with the way that I feel,
It's been four months, I'm so stupid to think time could heal.
And just when I think the worse is over,
My situation only gets more complexed.
I've built a wall for my heart,
For I'm afraid of what comes next.
You're coming back home to visit a couple of days,
A part of me wants you to call,
So I can see your sweet face,
And to try to snatch some warmth to fill my cold and empty phase.
The other part of me screams,
Don't see him, False hope is such a pest.
Ashley! Don't be so blind,
He'll leave you and your heart shattered,
In a teary world of unhappiness.

( Right now I'm Going through a hard time, this weekend is going to be hell, and I'm scared. If you have the time, Please Comment. -Thanks- )


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  • 18 years ago

    by edy

    HEY ASH! guess who, I really enjoyed it! Now Im no one to give advice! but if ya just need somebody to talk to then, just write me! O, and Ill write a reply to that poem on my site! so if you want to see the poem from his point of view! than come read. it ill try to put myself in his shoes and make it a happy ending! muah kisses and hugs!! keep in touch..


  • 19 years ago

    by venezuelanlove11

    Ohhh;; that's a sad poem but i like it,,, i can tell you know how to write your poems with alot of emotion (5)

  • 19 years ago

    by ~**Sweetpea**~

    I like this poem, i think it truly shows how you feel and it is really cool. I never thought someone could go through so much pain, i'm sry.

    Good Luck,

  • 19 years ago

    by ::bRITTANy::

    Well ill probably comment most of your poems! LOL! but Jeeze i kno exactly how you feel, exept for i was the one to leave. But this is great also

  • 19 years ago

    by Viper

    Boo, hahaha scared you lol. Great poem hun, very touching, i can only try and understand what your going through, seems like what your going throuh is harder than what i've gone through, but if you ever want to talk and i'm not on the chat you have my e-mail, and you know you always have at least someone in your life who loves you. And btw, i think he's an idiot for throwing you away, especially after bieng with you for two years, you two shared alot, i think it will be very hard for either of you two to find someone who is as good as the other (hope that made sense lol)

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