Game(this is for the ladies)

by JAY Poet   Oct 8, 2005

God made love
and made it true
then why are their 100 girls
crying tonight too

There are to many of our ladies
being called out our names
but what the guys doesn't
know is that we made the game

All ya ll boys ain't tight
we just make it seem
like ya ll be doing
something at night
We just sent her to make it seem like ya ll got it like that
believe me
girls are pimps to
we just pimpin ladies style

All ya ll boys can go
ahead and get wild
but I'm here to tell ya ll the true
my name is love hurts
and I'm hater prof
the game was not just made
all ya ll guys
better keep it in ya ll brains
these girls ain't never ashamed

We just players, pimps,
and always the shit!!
But bet you thought
this poem was going
to be soft but like i told
you girls just cry
because thats how we
get what we want...

Ladies are pimps to gone brush ya shoulders off!!!!!!!!


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Lynn

    Lol nice 1.....yeah guys are annoying!!!!lol we all are crazy but that is what allows us to rule the!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Impulsive Victoria

    Girl your crazy hahah we all are!

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    That poem is wats really good.

  • 19 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    So funny, and so true, but aren't men annoying little pests sometimes?!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Sorry...I don't get it...