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  • 19 years ago

    by Lady Li

    Very moving !! i like the gradation ...
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    This is a very moving poem indeed. I know I said constructive criticism but I'm finding it difficult to offer anything but praise. The poem was well written and thought out. I liked especially how you went through the entire body and emotions asking to be shown. The flow was almost faultless too.
    There was a couple of line’s I didn’t understand however. "Let me show you how to deal,
    Always returning to the start." I feel could have been worded better. And so could the very last line "...The one only that wasn't kept."
    You also had a spelling mistake, fifth stanza, line six.
    Well done, this was a very enjoyable poem. Keep up the great work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    Very good, i liked it alot.

  • 19 years ago

    by Gemmie Lou

    Gr8 poem really liked it an cheers 4 d comment on my poem!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Funny so many people comment yet so few votes well this one as always is so very good great job

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    I'm hoping you've found someone to "show you" since this write. You're really very talented and I enjoy reading your poems. Overall it flowed flawlessly until the last line. I'm not sure of the change there. But good job.