Lost love

by kraz33 beautiful   Oct 8, 2005

It's weird between us.
We never really talk to each other anymore.
But I'm the one who leaded him to the door.
I feel happy when he's happy.
I feel sappy when he's sappy.
It took me a while to realize he was really gone.
I just never knew it would last this long.
I feel like he's happier without all this pressure on him.
I just miss him.
I feel sad.
Cause I lost what I had.
To him, it was all to much.
I miss his warm and gentle touch.
He might not think of me at all.
I have his phone # but I don't have the guts to call.
I have mixed feelings about all this.
But I think he does too.
And he knows it's true.
I don't know if we'll ever go out again.
But I do know that our friendship will never end.
I'm just tired of being here.
I wish he was somewhere near.
I never want to be home.
But I also don't want to be alone.
I want to talk to him.
It just gives me comfort.
Knowing I will no longer hurt.
I think that he just got scared.
Knowing that I really did care.
I know that he will always be there.
I don't know if he's hurt.
Or if I treated him like dirt.
But I know that he will always be in my dreams and heart.
Our friendship is strong and no one can tear us apart...

This is about breaking up with someone but realizing it was a mistake but ya'll will always be friends...


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  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Thats good that you gusy can still eb friends..awesome! LISSa

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem i feel the same and thanks for the comment!!!!!!!!!!