The after effect...

by SplitSided   Oct 8, 2005

Echo's ring in my minds eye.
Leaving me with questions that I don't know why.
Why did I deserve this life.
Why did I get beat everynight.
I did nothing to anyone.
And for that my mom abondons her only son.
Leaving me with her boyfriend.
Each and everynight I waited for my expected end.
Beaten into silence.
As a kid I got nothing but voilence.
And now here I am at the age of 19.
Dreams make me feel like I watch my childhood on screen.
My moms actions bring me back.
And for that brief second my world goes black.
I'm feeling trapped.
Just like I used to.
When I lived with you.
My mind has scars of pain.
My life is scared with disdain.
Maybe sometime payback will relaps.
But until then the light at the end of the tunnel has collapsed.
And when it does relapse, my love for you will no ressurrect.
Because now and forever I'm left with the after effect...


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*WoW...that was really good..loved it 5/5*~ XoXo