She looks but she sees a FAKE...

by яock godеѕѕ   Oct 9, 2005

She looks into the mirror
But she doesnt see her-self
She sees a scared person
A hurt person
A person who would rather die
Then do this everyday
Being a liar, fake and not true to her self
Why does she still look?
Does she think that the images will change?
Or is this the only thing keeping her
In this world of the living?
Who would know?
Her friends don't know her AT ALL!!
No-one understands her pain
Or that she is suffering by being here
Should she put out her own misery?
Or stay for her friends
Why is it so hard for her to chose?
Does she really want to be here?
All these questions going through her mind
Which one should she chose?
Leave and end her suffering?
I mean what's she doing here anyway?
Or stay and make everyone else happy?
Hoping that her life will get better
Well thats what she tells her-self before bed
Coz if she left who else would they put down?
Some other poor innocent person?
Shes always wanted to cut her-self so she tries it
One, two, three, four, five, six and seven
Even though the proof of pain is there its not enough
So she keeps going eight, nine, ten and eleven.
Oh no her brother walks in
He sees your arm and screams
Your parents come in
And take you to a doctor
He gives you pills so you can be normal
You stand up and say what the hell no way
No one is normal
You turn to the doctor and say
Youre not even frikin normal look at you
You have cuts on your arm and youre telling me
Get stuffed all of you

No Im sick of this good-bye
Have a screwed life
Sorry I wont be here
You made my life hell
Now im going to go kill myself


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  • 19 years ago

    by .+.unpretty_loser.+.

    Thanxs for commenting on my poem
    it meant a lot to me,
    that was a really nice poem, you are really talented, 5/5.
    luv jessie xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I would hate to lose you. You are such a beautiful person inside.

  • I feel the same way. but suicides not worth it.

    read mi poem Pretty In Pink. its sumwhat like this 1. wher none of the friends know.

  • 19 years ago

    by ripped;and;torn

    Your poetry is awesome, and thanks for the comment on my poem
    read some of my other one to

  • 19 years ago

    by Koriey Korrupted

    I like your poems.5/5
    Your quotes are kewl too escpecially the one about the glow and the dark watch.that was hilarious.keep writing.and again 5/5