This is my suicide letter

by clevername   Oct 9, 2005

~the beginning of the poem goes out to all and the end is directed to my mother you can tel the change~

"i love u"
you mean more to me than anything
you taught me to walk
to talk
you make me smile and laugh
and hold me wen I\'m sad
" i love you"
i wanna say that forever
so that maybe by the time tomorrow comes
this will b the only moment u can remember

"I'm sorry"
I'm sorry i ignore you sometimes
that i grudge and mumble
and stomp out
slam the door
I'm sorry that I've hurt you
not physically but emotionally
Ive left u stranded and helpless
because i never tell you whats wrong
Even though you try to help me
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm just so sorry Ive disappointed you

i wish i could rap my arms around u like i did last night
before this all happened
you didn't even no there was a reason for it all
you just thought i was being nice
I'm so sorry
and "i love you"

you found me dead today in the bathroom in the tub didn't you?
I'm so sorry
and i love you
i was bloody and pale wasn't i? fresh cuts upon my wrists weren't there
I'm so sorry and i love you
don't touch me mother
don't bare the sadness in the future of having to remember holding you dead child
just walk out mother just walk out
call the ambulance and they'll ship me away
while u brush your tears
stop crying mother
as i weep up in the clouds
this is not worth you sadness
please smile mother I'm happy
please smile mother I'm happy
your driving me crazy seeing you so sad
Please just smile because now I'm happy

please comment and vote :)


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  • 18 years ago

    by devintwinkletoes

    Wow that's awesome. I guess I like it so much because it relates to me and how I feel. I dont know but that was amazing!

  • 18 years ago

    by devintwinkletoes

    Wow that's awesome. I guess I like it so much because it relates to me and how I feel. I dont know but that was amazing!

  • 18 years ago

    by junior8forever

    Hey that was the bomb u coment me an really mademe felt like u were trying to comfort me u seem really cool ur poem is so good i can relate in some ways an u make me feel what ur feelin when i read de poem it was so good email me at i email u today so amil me back so ya an read my other poems k plz thanks keeep writeing

  • 18 years ago

    by Piper

    I really liked that. It was really deep. Well done.

  • 18 years ago

    by passion

    It got to me alot....I really liked it....check out mine if you can....