Behind a smile

by forever-tourtured-by-crimson-pain   Oct 9, 2005

Alone, shaking and scared
In the centre of the dark cold room
Is where she lies
Still ,lifeless ,motionless
She is sleeping
After nights of crying
We know this as you can hear
A low soft whimper
As she sleeps
Who put her there?
Everyone is the answer
She hates her life
Everyday is the same
Hiding behind the smile
For her school and her friends
To scared to let them in
Crying tears of crimson
As well as crystal
From the inside and out
Terrified of what will happen next
Her best friend her blade
She sits alone and cries
Her parents always fighting
She is always hurting
Some days it hurts so bad she sees her best friend twice
Some days more
As the deeper the cut
The bigger the release
The more in control she feels
Some say she is mad
Psycho or stupid
They are the stupid ones
She cried out for their help
And they turned their back
See true friends was one thing she did lack
Her scars tell her story
Together they show the war
She fights everyday
Individually they show the mile stones
She has completed in her life
Maybe one day they will understand
all she went through
And see the person she is
Not just the cuts and scars
For now they will stay in the dark
Her best friend will remain
Her scar will become more and more
Her friends less and less
She will carry on her cry for help
Until her screams are answered
Until this day
Things will remain the same
And back behind the smile she goes.


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  • 18 years ago

    by bivamp

    Wow girl! this is great! i love your poems, i hope you dont mind but ive added you to your favorites.
    loadsa lv

  • 19 years ago

    by Chris Engle

    Hello again!

    Another powerful and emotional poem from you. this time you didnt rhyme, and i agree with that choice on this particular poem. as i said before you are a very talented writer, and when you dont force the rhymes, the emotion flows out even better, and it really wraps a person into the poem.

    great job, and keep up the good work!


  • 19 years ago

    by ***LiiL MiZz DiiVA***

    Wow that was impressisve,,, i liked it alot. it has alot of feeling to it... i loved it. 5/5 u should email me

    Luv ya lots,
    Baby gurl

  • 19 years ago

    by Heart Broken Angel

    I love it full of strong emotions ! Thats exactly what I did smile even though I didn't want to or I should not be smiling ! Love it I can Relate to it !!
    Luv Crystal

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Great job exsplosive powerful i loved it 5/5

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