Comments : Falling

  • 19 years ago

    by jac

    Hey, i really liked this one, so in depth with emotion. loved the flow and wording choices as well. keep up the great work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    Will you notice when i am falling
    when i fall right past your eyes

    that part really got me, this poem is amazing it made me want to cry. i think this is my favourite. xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~'s amazing...can i print it out...and not to worry your name will be in it...plz

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Omg what happened to me? i didnt comment?! that is an awesome poem..i totally agree...i felt like this was too someone so i hope that works out...i'm still looking for someone to help me..but same concept.
    wow..well done hun and i'm proud you're fighting on..
    take care xoxoxoxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by my_little_secret

    Will you please open your eyes
    don't let me fall, don't let me go
    you say you can see my pain
    but it's on the inside where it doesn't show

    I love that bit. I really liked that, and the way the rhythm increased towards the end, it really gave a sense of desperation. Damn good!!

  • This is a really good falling and just shows how sometimes we depend on people to help us when we are failing! its really good and had an amazing flow, i reeeeally liked it

    well done

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Brilliant poem, i loved it, nice work xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by skyfox

    Another masterpiece.Like Stacy the lines
    will you notice when I'm falling
    When I fall right past your eyes
    just hit such a chord. it is almost like you are in my head. Your talent just floors me sometimes

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Nicole Rae~

    I love this poem!!....I can relate to it!..Its amazing...It is soo deep in emotion,and I love it..Keep writing, you are rly good at it!

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem i loved it so much!!!!!!!!!!