Flash Flood

by Mac   Oct 12, 2005

I can think of nothing to say
And yet these words, these words,
They pour from my heart and out of my mouth
Into your ears, and sink into your bones
A dense chill that seeps into your bones
They cut and tear, these words i won't think
But still they flood, they flood

If you hadn't asked you wouldn't be drowning right now
You wouldn't be dying or screaming, crying or leaving
These words, these words i hate to say
Not me, i didn't say them, it wasn't my idea
I hold back, I'm meek, I'm powerless
I have no strength to fight back with
You are forceful. You are rash. YOU are powerful
You are at fault here, not me, not me

I left you hanging, there's a reason
A reason, a reason i didn't finish
It's for the greater good really it is
But you called me, you couldn't be left hanging
Oh no! Never can you be left hanging
You have to hear every last wave
Of the words that flood past my lips
So i continued. I forced them out. No thinking, just speaking

And i yelled! i cried, i swung my fists at the uninhabited air
Because you called, you couldn't face me
Not to hear those ever so important useless words i hung back on
oh no never, never
Never make me speak unwillingly
You'll only drown, die in the deluge of uninhibited hatred
The kind you force out of me
The kind you should protect me against

YOU! my love, my soul mate, my perfect half
These things you claim to be, you claim to be
Everything i need. but not hatred? no never could you be
MY hate. or the source of it. never
So drown! drown in the flood of my hatred for you, my 'you' for you
And float on, float away, leave me standing at the shore
the shore of the river i spilled for you, in words and tears


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