The Wierd Thing About Trust

by Tiffani   Oct 13, 2005

I don't know what to say anymore,
i trusted you with every thing,
and you turn and do this to me...
my heart is broken,
but in a different way...
in a friend betrail kind of way...
I'm mad,
and so hurt,
your my ''big brother''
you are supposed to protect me,
not hurt me...
dam i cant believe,
i didn't see...
all those things being said...
YOU were the one saying about me,
I'm devastated...
this time i am really really hurt...
YOU did this to me...
when you didn't have a friend in the world,
and you were the new kid every one hated,
i was your friend,
i stuck up for you,
and not my friends of 5 years...
you were using me,
you lied to me...
and i trusted you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani


    i know it is but its the only way i can dea l with my s*it head brother lolls

    Take CAre
    Lota LoveN,


  • 19 years ago

    by InvisibleGurl

    Hey Tiffani!
    Loved the poem, felt the emotion. Brought back painful memories..
    Loved it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani


    Love Tiffani

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani

    THANK U!! i appreciate my fans very much... (just so people dont think im crazy commenting on my own poems lol i thank the ppl that do comment)
    All my love tiffani

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani

    Yea my, well ex best friend/brother lol it really helped writing this poem, Thanx 4 commenting