Never Wanted

by Miss Darcy![xXkestrelXx]   Oct 13, 2005

I'm a jagged, helpless rock tossed upon stormy seas,
Crashing against high walls, my love chipped off me,
The sea hates me, spits me out onto the sandy shores,
Spits on me, jeering, leaving me alone.

I stay on the shore, waiting, waiting,
Waiting for someone to realise I was there,
I see people come and go, but none of them see,
The helpless, loveless small rock.

I am a girl so broken, too broken to be repaired,
I am glued together but will soon fall again,
The cracks within me can only be filled,
Only be filled with the feeling of being wanted.

People see me but don't seem to care,
They look through me like I'm not there,
But if only they would look deep enough,
They would see a small, clueless, helpless child.

I sit and sulk in the corner,
People look but ignore,
The girl in need of love and care,
They just think, 'All she wants is attention'

God I just have one big plea,
I just want to know what it feels like to be wanted or just set me free,
That's all I ask for, nothing else,
All I ask for, nothing else.

What will happen when I die?
Will people care to shed a tear?
Will people remember me forever and ever?
Or will I just be lost, never wanted, never remembered, never loved?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    This was excellent!
    I really liked this one, I think you did a great job.
    I loved the opening stanza, it really pulled me into the poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by masked_senses

    "Or will I just be lost, never wanted, never remembered, never loved?"i loved this piece...5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen-AS-Angels do!

    There is someone who thinks of you everyday, you just need to look around... promise!

  • 19 years ago

    by Aimee

    Omg that is sooo good hun u have a gift for poetry keep it up love Aimee

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