Is life nothing but a word?
a word that isn't meant to be heard?
Once we are born, we are meant to die
So how can I say I am alive?
How do I know who I'll be?
How can I expect a promise to be kept to me?
I can die now, later, today or tomorrow
Is life something you just borrow?
Something you're meant to have for a while?
If that's true, how can I smile?
Knowing that I'll die
Knowing that I'll never reach the sky.
How can I plan my future?
When someone's planning my death?
How can keep dreaming of my dreams?
When life is not what it seems.
Life is not eternal
Life might just be infernal
but one thing I can say about life
It is yours to live
You may die tomorrow but you get to choose
How to leave and to lose
but remember you lose your life but not your soul
Your soul is what makes you whole.
So the destination of your soul, depends on how you lived your life and left it.