10 Things Guys HATE About Girls

by Kouai   Oct 14, 2005

2)We're overly sensitive.
3)We're all huge drama queens.
4)Our most overused line "You don't care about me anymore!"
5)We say no a lot, and we mean it.
6)We're selfish. It's okay when we go out and have fun, it's wrong when they do it.
7)We crave a high amount of attention.
8)Our girl intuition... we know where they're going, when, why, who with, what they're doing.. and they don't even have to tell us.
9)We flirt with other guys.. mainly their best friends.
10)When we lead them on... then refuse when they ask.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Your a freaken idiot, aren't you a gal? We always have to listen to all the nasty things guys say so why do you need to say stuff? Wake up to yourself...

  • 19 years ago

    by ANNA

    Thats good but some girls are different but evrything is so true

  • 19 years ago

    by kida

    Not all gals do dat. i dont.

  • 19 years ago

    by PrepNFlirt

    Thats all totally true...
    Well 4/5 keep it up..

  • 19 years ago

    by Ele

    Good one
    it's just so true. and aint it funny to lead them on then say 'sorry, changed my mind' at the absolute last second! hee hee