Operation, thoughts cross intersections
If a ceiling falls to pieces�warning
Recent reports state that portraits will soon die
In a desperate attempt to save the ticking of the clocks
They all pose as if in love
In a charming way because they found out this was real
And there�s a station narrow enough for one
In which all words favor feelings
Spreads like fire through the atmosphere
Made contact with the walls and was forgotten
But they�ll make it known and obvious
Secrets stay upstairs
Where if a balcony is help up high enough
I�ll take this necklace of divine
And hang myself for all to see
Just remember we were once friends
And somehow this facility for screaming has had its days
Bands of lies have swept me off my feet
I�ll hold my own for ransom
Counting down years for payback
But you�ll never truly know
If I sit close enough to the window
A ghost appears
Closely examining what I am doing
But if it shall stay true
My city visits will be more frequent
And to those I have failed
Will get a transmission of history lessons
And a printed apology worth many years