Comments : Tears

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Very well ritten peice, you really expressed yourself well

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    As they streamed down my checks,
    they burned deep like acid.
    [I really liked this line. Though "Checks" Should be "Cheeks"]
    You made me love,
    but it was all just a lie.
    [I didn't quite understand this line. But It did sound good.]
    You're the one who made me cry,
    all of these acid tears.
    [I also really liked this line too. I loved how you refered to your tears as acid tears]

    It was a good poem. Keep it up!! 5/5

    `Taleee. xx.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cantchangeme

    Each drop was surrounded,
    by disappointment's anger.

    I loved that part it was just very emotive for me, the whole poem was really well written. i felt like it used good emotive immagery and it made you feel a connection..

    so even though you said dont do this
    5/5 really great poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I liked the whole thing, definately the part

    Each drop was surrounded,
    by disappointment's anger.

    it was a sad poem but with really good words and it worked well

    keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Wow-a beautifully written poem. I could really feel the emotion you put into it as I was reading. My favorite line is:

    ''As they streamed down my checks,
    they burned deep like acid.''

    It really expressed all the pain in what you were going through. The only thing is the ''checks'' to ''cheeks'' error that -*»TaLeEe! mentioned. Great write! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tamra

    Beautiful. A lot of real emotion displayed, it almost made the reader feel like they had actually had the experience of going through it instead of just reading about it.
    Really Really liked it. Keep up the great write.

  • 18 years ago

    by Mousie

    Wow that really was beautiful... It was very touching, emotional. I wish i could write like that. Wonderful job, keep writing you have a definite talent for it!